Monday, February 18, 2013


Ah love! Sometimes, it gives you that high. And makes you think as if everything is possible. Yep, love does that but not all the time...often hurts.

I'm no expert in love but I've had enough to be able to tell you that the love that begins in the wrong way doesn't end in the right way. It will always be wrong.

Mainstream movies nowadays always portray that exciting events on how one finds their "REAL" true love despite being committed to someone else. And let's face it, we'd really cheer them on thinking theirs was fate. Did we ever stop to think about the feelings of the other party? Wasn't it also fate that brought them together? If you are committed to someone else, how did it happen that you've let yourself fall for another?! If it is because of their incapacity to do something, why didn't you tell them about it? Why did you let it get out of hand?!

Could it be that...what you feel is maybe...not love at all?!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Spreading The Good News

How do you handle the news that you've just been recommended for a higher position? It is not final yet so you may or may not get the position. Will you tell your friends or keep the information until you really have the position?

If you tell them the news on the recommendation immediately, they will cheer you on. If you succeed, then they would be happy twice. If you fail, they would be sad but they'll know that you've tried. 

Sometimes, people only tell success stories these days. Maybe because they tend to make them feel invincible and infallible. But isn't our failures shaped who we are? It is not the success stories that keeps us moving forward. It is our failures. We are amazed at how Edison discovered the bulb. He failed a thousand times, didn't he? But why are we trying so hard to hide our failures? Maybe because our failures only matters when we become famous. And we know, most of us will not going to be. So when will we ever have the chance to share our failures so that others will not do the same?!

Not sharing our failures and making it public is maybe the reason why so many people fail. We didn't have that master list of failures...the don'ts. We only have the successes and dos.

We will not share because we are afraid that people will know that we fail and they will think less of us. What we don't know is that failure makes us human. It keeps us grounded. And by learning how to share our imperfections, we've become the person that other people will want to be - unwavering in strength in times of failure.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Burst of Negative Energy

You might have known that there are people who brings out the best in about those who brings out the worst?! Friends and love ones usually makes you burst with positive energy. What would you call those people who makes you burst with negatives?

Are they enemies? Can you really call someone an enemy even if they're not doing anything to you? How do you best handle these people who annoys and affect you just by being there. And the worst part maybe is...they don't know that you are affected by their mere presence.

To get to the bottom of the feeling might be good but if it's costly at the moment, here are a few thoughts that might be helpful:
1. Avoidance. 
If you hate that person's gut for whatever you reason you had, it might be best to stay away from that person.
2. Impersonal.
If avoidance is not possible then try to be as impersonal as you could. Being friendly might be good for both of you but don't force it on yourself. You must accept that there are people you can be friends with and there are those that you can't.

Remember that if a person brings out the worst in you then you have no business being with that person. The world is too big. Take the pleasure in it. :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

New blog AGAIN!

I've been thinking a lot of this lately - privatizing my thoughts. But then I was afraid of the thought that nobody would know what I'm thinking...It makes me sad. :(

Despite not getting any news about people reading my everyday blahs, it still warms my heart knowing that it is open and always ready whenever someone wanted it - more like me. But after reading  a friend's post about online footprints, a thought suddenly pops in my head. What if...and more what ifs!

So I shall say bye bye to open-ness! I'll still blog...but I'll try to be impersonal in my non-private blog. I'll be keeping the usual private. Open only to those selected few who wants to know what's going on in my amazing life. Weeeeeeee!

So here will just be random tidbits...the details of my amazing life will be in my main blog, kresiaramas which is now protected. :D