Friday, February 15, 2013

Spreading The Good News

How do you handle the news that you've just been recommended for a higher position? It is not final yet so you may or may not get the position. Will you tell your friends or keep the information until you really have the position?

If you tell them the news on the recommendation immediately, they will cheer you on. If you succeed, then they would be happy twice. If you fail, they would be sad but they'll know that you've tried. 

Sometimes, people only tell success stories these days. Maybe because they tend to make them feel invincible and infallible. But isn't our failures shaped who we are? It is not the success stories that keeps us moving forward. It is our failures. We are amazed at how Edison discovered the bulb. He failed a thousand times, didn't he? But why are we trying so hard to hide our failures? Maybe because our failures only matters when we become famous. And we know, most of us will not going to be. So when will we ever have the chance to share our failures so that others will not do the same?!

Not sharing our failures and making it public is maybe the reason why so many people fail. We didn't have that master list of failures...the don'ts. We only have the successes and dos.

We will not share because we are afraid that people will know that we fail and they will think less of us. What we don't know is that failure makes us human. It keeps us grounded. And by learning how to share our imperfections, we've become the person that other people will want to be - unwavering in strength in times of failure.

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